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results in real time that can be trusted, because we can boast of a 93% strength victory and audited accounts Myfxbook, and we expect to improve every day.
Thanks to detailed installation instructions, software Forex Fury can immediately take advantage of an extremely responsive support team, extra profitable settings and free traders of all skill levels.
We care about our customers. We do our best to keep our customers happy.
Forex Fury the most effective Advisor in the market. This software is the work of our entire team, and it provides traders of all skill levels investment opportunity at the same time safe and aggressive. We know what it takes to succeed, and will do everything possible to help you maximize your score.
Features of the robot:
Working with NFA, FIFO, MT4 and MT5 Build 600
Checked and checked the settings (always new settings in development) Free
Trading strategy with low risk with drawdown less than 20>#/li###
Support ECN
Efficient capital management for sustained growth
Worked for multiple pairs
Works with any trading broker MT4 / MT5
Several filters to avoid bad market conditions
Easy 5 minutes installation with complete tutorials and videos
Trading results
Please view our live trading account below. You’ll find both real and demo accounts that show the true power of software Fury. Our account and trading privileges are fully checked by a third party (Myfxbook) and they all have trusted brokers.
Update: the validity of some accounts below, it can happen from time to time, so we are always adding more. These results are very relevant.
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