Smart BreakOut Hedge EA V1.1 Unlimited
Expert: Smart Auto BreakOut Hedge.ex4 V1.1 (Unlocked)
2 Preset/.setfiles WORK IN 1424+
Document: FxShare Smart Auto BreakOut Hedge EA users Manual
Hello traders! We would like to introduce you to our latest project Smart Break out Hedge trading EA. We all waited long for this fresh version, but it is finally here available for all of You. We have worked very hard to publish this release, we had to make sure all works perfect and also made big tests for this EA. This version has been tested on live account for about 4 months and still running. During this time EA was constantly updated with new features which made this product very stable and profitable at all market conditions.
Smart BreakOut Hedge EA V1.1 Unlimited
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